how to jailbreak a Chromebook


There's plenty you can accomplish with the Chromebook when you're willing for it to be jailbroken. If you jailbreak the Chromebook, Chrome OS becomes not just an Operating System which you can use for various reasons, but also an excellent Operating System. In this guide I will show you the steps to jailbreak on a Chromebook in order to gain access to the best features.

Beware of this Before You Start This Tutorial

It is a crucial point that I have to make prior to you start this guide. I've compiled a list of reasons not to install root on your Chromebook:

  • The warranty is voided in the event that you break it the device, there will be no tech support available to assist you.
  • The local storage of all your data will be deleted once it's time to root your Chromebook. However, because of the way Chrome OS functions, the majority of your files are saved on the cloud which means there's no need to fret so much as you would about this.
  • If you're not a tech expert it's probably not a good idea to root your Chromebook as you will not be able to make use of the majority of the root options even if you're not a tech expert.
  • If your Chromebook is not being upgraded by Google it is likely that many of the features that are root such as crouton won't work.

What You'll Be Needing

There are a few items you'll need to have before starting this guide:

  • A Chromebook
  • Power Supply to be plugged into the Chromebook (this isn't a secret. It's not a good idea for the Chromebook to be running out of battery while you're rooted.)
  • An Internet Connection


Okay, if you're prepared to root your Chromebook the first thing you'll need to do is connect to this tutorial in a location that's not your Chromebook or note this information on an article of paper. When you're finished it's time to switch off the Chromebook. After that, hold and press the REFRESH (F3) or REFRESH (F3) keys, then switch off your Chromebook.

If you receive the warning After you receive that warning, hit the keys CONTROL+D. After that, press Enter. After that you should give your Chromebook approximately five minutes to erase all the information and then start installing the Developer mode settings. Your Chromebook will then restart.

The Machine is booted

You'll need to repeat this process each time you start your computer. It will show this frightening screen each time the Chromebook begins:

The screen is there because of a reason. It is possible for someone to install a keylogger to the Chromebook and then login as a guest on the Google account. This is the reason it displays this message every when the Chromebook starts up. If, however, you were the one to root the device and know that there's no keylogger installed then there's no reason to be concerned.

The screen is typically 30 seconds every when the computer is booted. To get rid of the screen, press CONTROL+D which will cause the screen to disappear. It will then boot normally. Chromebook will then begin to boot normally. Stay tuned for more guides on how to utilize the Chromebook that you have just root.

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